Penicuik Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Penicuik Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)

Welcome to Penicuik Meeting's website



We regret that Penicuik Meeting will not take place on Sunday 4th August.  This is due to circumstances beyond our control and applies both to Meeting in person and online.  Normal Meetings for Worship should resume on 1st September 2024.  Meanwhile please try another Quaker Meeting in the South East Scotland area.


Penicuik Meeting normally takes place on the first Sunday of every month between 11 am and noon at Valleyfield House, 17 High Street, Penicuik, Midlothian, Scotland, and is followed by tea, coffee and (often) a bring-and-share lunch.  Valleyfield House is through the pend or archway on the High Street – car parking is available in the grounds All members, attenders and those curious about Quakers and Quaker meetings are most welcome, as are children (there is not usually a specific children’s meeting but we are delighted to see them and may be able to arrange activities for any children present).


There are usually between five and fifteen present at Meeting for Worship, but we can easily accommodate more.


Penicuik Meeting for Worship is face-to-face at Valleyfield House.  Attending Meeting by Zoom is only available by request.   If you cannot attend in person and need to join us online please let us know at least 7 days before the Meeting and we will let you know whether attending online is available that day and, if it is, provide details of how to join.



We keep in touch as best we can with individual members and attenders of the Meeting by e-mail and phone.  If you are a member or attender and know of anyone without access to e-mail please pass on any relevant messages to them.



The Britain Yearly Meeting website is at

Penicuik Meeting is a Local Meeting within South East Scotland Area Meeting.




Covid and in-person meetings


You can currently attend Quaker Meetings for Worship in person in all parts of Britain. We can also hold events such as weddings, funerals and social activities, all of which are part of the life of Quaker communities.  All Covid legislation in Britain has been removed.


However, we still need to make sure that Quaker meetings are safe spaces for those who attend who are at most risk from Covid or any other virus and ensure caution and care for our communities.


We can look to our Quaker advices and queries when thinking about our options and actions. This might help us to consider if our choices are for the benefit of others in our Quaker communities and our own benefit.


Facemasks are not necessary at the moment, but of course you can wear one if you wish.


Updated 28 July 2024

We are located at:

Valleyfield House

17 High Street


Midlothian EH26 8HS


If you have any queries please contact us:


To keep up to date with events and news, join our mailing list here or using this QR code

Contact us today!

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© Mark Hutcheson