Penicuik Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Penicuik Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)

How to find us

How to find the Meeting (this will download a map to your device)


For those using satellite navigation the nearest postcode is EH26 8HS.

Location map
Map showing how to get to Penicuik Meeting (with photos and instructions)
Adobe Acrobat document [1.8 MB]

Public transport

There are buses between Edinburgh and Penicuik and between Peebles and Penicuik.  These are operated by Lothian Buses and Borders Buses.  Please contact the relevant bus operator for further details.


Lothian Buses and Borders Buses both have apps that you can download and use on your mobile (cell) phone provided you have a suitable phone.


Lothian Buses sometimes changes its bus times because of staff shortages, so please check before using Lothian Buses!


Penicuik Meeting does not guarantee the public transport information on this page - please check before travelling!

We are located at:

Valleyfield House

17 High Street


Midlothian EH26 8HS


If you have any queries please contact us:


To keep up to date with events and news, join our mailing list here or using this QR code

Contact us today!

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© Mark Hutcheson